Hi, This is Cherry from Tiger BAGS CO.,LTD.
It is very nice to receive your enquiry! We are the factory,we have produce more than 10 years.So we have got the rich experience on the quality control and lead time . Also we can supply you very competitive price. please tell us your exact needs ,such as the shape ,material and detail size etc. Then we can advise suitable products or made accordingly.
Our products in good quality ,as we have strictly QC :
1.The stitching feet as 7 step within one inch .
2.We have material strong test when material arrive to us .
3.The zipper we have smoothness and strongness test ,we pulling zipper puller come and forth hundred times .
4.Reinforced stitching on the place where they force .
We also have other points for quality control I did not write out . For above detail check and control we can offer you a good quality bag .
Please do not hesitate to let me know if something need to know from me .